Original $267.23
Paid $30.59
(4) Mortin Salt .50 each
(4) Graham Crackers 3.00 each
(2) Marshmallows (Free) with Graham Crackers
(2) Pampers diapers 8.99
(2) Pampers Wipes 2.50
Total Before Coupons $27.99
Coupons Used
(1)$4 Register Reward
(1)Free Wipes
(1)Buy Diapers get another wipe Free
(1)$1.50 off pampers
(1)$3.00 off Pampers
(2)$1 off Grahams
New Total $13.49 + Tax + $3 Register Rewards
Rite Aid
1st Transaction
2 Cottonelle Bath Tissue Regularly $11.49 Paid $6.49 each
1 Huggies Wipes 216 ct Regularly $8.99 Paid 6.99
Original Total $31.97 + tax
Sale Total $19.97 + tax
Coupons Used
$5 off $20
(2) $1 off Cottonelle Rite Aid Coupon
(2) .50 off Cottonelle Manufacturer
(1) $2 off Manufactures Huggies Wipes
New Total $4.97 + tax + $5.00 Rebate and $2 up rewards on Next Purchase
Made $2.03
2ND Transaction
(1) Cottonelle $6.49 each
(2) Huggies wipes $6.99 each
(2) L-Argentine Vitamins $7.69 each
Original Total $44.86
Sale Total $ 28.16
Coupons Used
(1) $1 off Cottonelle Rite Aid
(1) .50 off Cottonelle Manufacturer
(1) $5 off $ 20
(2) .75 off Huggies Wipes
(2) $1 off Natures Bounty Rite Aid
$1 up rewards
New Total $17.16 + tax + $5.00 Rebate $2 up rewards
$12.16 + tax
3rd Transaction
(1) Huggies Pure and Natural Regularly $12.49 Sale $$8.99
(1) Porcelanna Night Cream Regularly $8.99 Paid $4.99
(1) Kerasal Foot Cream Regularly $10.19 Sale $6.99
(1) Back Aid Regularly $6.49 Sale $3.49
Original Total $38.16 + tax
Sale Price $24.46
Coupon Used
(1) $3 off Huggies
(1) $2 off Huggies Rite Aid
(1) $5 off $20 Rite Aid Coupon
(1) $1 off Kerasal
(2) $1 off up reward
New Total $11.46 = tax
Get back $13.49 in Rebates
Got Paid $2.03
Transaction 4
(1) Huggies Pure and Natural Regularly $12.49 Sale $8.99
(1) Porcelanna Night Cream Regularly $8.99 Paid $4.99
(1) Kerasal Foot Cream Regularly $10.19 Sale $6.99
(1) Back Aid Regularly $6.49 Sale $3.49
(4) Royal Jello Reg .69 each Paid .25 each
(3) Note books Reg $1.99 each Paid .66 each
(2) Gardening Gloves Reg $1.99 Sale .49 each
Original Total $53.89 + tax
Sale Price Total $28.42 + tax
Coupons Used
(1) $2.50 off Huggies
(1) $2 off Huggies Rite Aid
(1) $5 off $20 Rite Aid Coupon
(1) $2 off up reward
New Total $16.92 + tax
Get Back $13.49 in Rebates + $4.00 in Up rewards
Got Paid $1.00
First of all I DISLIKE shopping at K-Mart, mainly because it is such a hassle with Catalina's, and the employees don't understand the Couponing system.
With that said I still went today and again they did not disappoint me of their next to nothing knowledge about couponing =)
(1) Purex Laundry 3 in 1 Sheets refill Reg 8.99 Sale $7.99
(2) Purex Laundry 3 in 1 Sheets Reg $5.99 Sale $5.00
Total Original $23.97
Total Sale $ $20.98
Buy $20 worth get a $5 Catalina towards next purchase
Coupons Used
(3) $3 off Purex
(1) $10 Gift Card for Transferring RX
New Total $1.98 + $5 Catalina towards next Purchase
Made $3.02
2ND Transaction
(7) Slim Jim's 16 ct Original Price $3.99 each Sale Price $2.75 each
(3) Jello's 4 pack Original $1.99 each Sale Price .60 each
Total Original $33.90
Total Sale $21.05
Coupons Used
(7) $1 off Slim Jim
(3) $1 Off Jello
(1) $5 off Catalina
New Total $8.05 + tax
Total for the day $30.59 + tax!!!!! and a $3 Register Rewards